You and you loved ones often face concerns over what will happen when the time comes – both in practical matters and for You – how You will be remembered.

Peace of mind with a PS. I Love You

Tailored to You

We create a farewell that reflects your personality and values – simple and easy to follow.

Peace of Mind for Your Loved Ones

By having your decisions documented, you provide your family with an invaluable gift – freedom from second-guessing your wishes.

Digitally Updated

We assist in ensuring your social media profiles and digital assets are managed precisely as you wish.

At PS. I Love You, we’re commited to guide you and your loved ones, through the decision-making process to ensure there time for mourning and your final farewell reflects who you are.

Planning for the future doesn’t have to feel heavy. Fill out our online check-list, or contact us for a confidential conversation where we guide you through the process. Together, we’ll create a plan that offers peace and reassurance – for you and your loved ones.

Let us help you make decisions today, so you can bring clarity and peace to those you leave behind.

Let us help you make decisions today, so you can bring clarity and peace to those you leave behind.

Ensuring your digital assets are managed according to your wishes, needs proactive meassurements from you – no one else are in a position to take over and conduct a managed closure of your digital life”.

Unless you provide the guidance.

Peter Glipstrup-Bonde

CEO – PS. I Love You